Wednesday, October 14, 2009


これはあゆみはまさきのうた:"Voyage." あゆみはおんがくがじょうずです、そしてとてもきれいです。でも、she seems to have forgotten some of the words when she performed in this コンサート (this happens at 0:58):

あゆみはかあゆみはかわいいですね。She makes a great recovery!

あゆみはまさき is one of my favorite にほんの singers. Youtube doesn't have too much of her studio-recorded おんがくbut you can watch footage from her コンサート or listen to covers of her うた by devoted fans.

Listening to covers can be a really bad idea, however:


1 comment:

  1. あゆみさんおうたが とても すきです! こどもとき、かのじょの うたを よく ききました。
